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Anybody supports Fat Talk Free Week Controversy over model being dropped for being "too fat" Top German women's magazine Brigitte makes radical change to promote real women Canadian charter has been drafted to promote healthy and diverse models Fashion needs to grow up! A breakthrough in the magazine world? French politicians propose all airbrushed images carry health warning Anybody thought this was cute. Body diversity comes to London Fashion Week MP suggests magazines and advertisers come clean about airbrushing Fat celebrities a danger to our health? Come off it! 30 years on and Fat is still a Feminist Issue Remembering Ruby Editor of UK Vogue takes a stand against designers and their too small sample size An event to interest AnyBodies. Why men can be ugly and talented and women only botoxed to behold Marketing reaches a new all time low Reality on the Runway A good role model? Defying the beauty myth A magazine finally breaking the barriers. A politician who says it like it is! 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