




あわすのミレットにおいて あわすのそばグループ 松井喜子(まつい よしこ)氏を講師として学ぶ 「地元あわすの産そばによるそば作り体験と試食会」





KAKI CABINET MAKER(カキ キャビネット メーカー)においての講師 柿谷朔郎(かきたに さくろう)氏指導の下作成する 「木製のイスづくり体験」








オバタ硝子工房での講師 小幡祐嗣(おばた ゆうじ)氏指導のもと、「吹きガラスによるマイグラス作製体験」



2010年07月31日 17:41




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understand that it’s impossible, Natasha, my poor girl! Why, it’s madness. Why you’ll kill them, and ruin yourself! Do you understand that, Natasha?”
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投稿者 トゥミ : 2013年12月24日 12:58

And so we left it. And this is what happened within the year. Yes, it was almost exactly a year ago. One bright September day I went to see my old friends, feeling ill, and sick at heart, and sank on a chair almost fainting, so that they were actually frightened as they looked at me. My head went round and my heart ached so that ten times I had approached the door and ten times I had turned back before I went in, but it was not because I had failed in my career and had neither renown nor money; it was not because I was not yet an attache and nowhere near being sent to Italy for my health. It was because one may live through ten years in one year, and my Natasha had lived through ten years in that year. Infinity lay between us. And I remember I sat there before the old man, saying nothing, with unconscious fingers tearing the brim of my hat, which was torn already; I sat and, I don’t know why, waited for Natasha to come in. My clothes were shabby and did not fit me; I had grown thin, yellow and sunken in the face. And yet I did not look in the least like a poet, and there was none of that grandeur in my eyes about which good Nikolay Sergeyitch had been so concerned in the past. Anna Andreyevna looked at me with unfeigned and ever ready compassion, thinking to herself:
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